Tema: The
U.N. on the web.
3ÂȘ sĂ©ries A e B
Semana : 22 a
Habilidades Ler, compreender, analisar e interpretar
textos: relatos de experiĂȘncia, pĂĄginas da internet, boletins informativos,
piadas, adivinhas, verbetes de dicionĂĄrio, diĂĄlogos e textos diversos inferindo
seus traços caracterĂsticos, bem como suas finalidades e usos sociais.
Answer the questions:
1 -What kind of pages can you find on the Internet?
2 - What is a blog?
3 - True or false?
( ) A news website isn´t actually an online paper or a version of a printed paper.
( ) Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent post appears at the web page.
( )The first newspaper to go online was the New York Times.
4 - Read the text below and circle the cognate words:
This is the U.N. flag.
The logo and flag of the UN have become its symbols as it carries out its work on the world stage. They have the practical effect of identifying the United Nations in areas of trouble and conflict to any and all parties concerned. They are also aspirational symbols, for they speak to the hopes and dreams of people the world over, for peace and unity.
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Have a nice week!See you soon!đș
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